Dec 22, 2007

Fucking idiot here

Celestial junk (is right!)

There’s an unwritten rule among “progressives” that one is not allowed to condemn Islam.

Ha, your whole argument is based on an incorrect assumption - or should I say slanderous presupposition.

Pity the small mind mind that argues against straw men.

You are not bright, you are dull.

I will go on the record as stating that all religion is inane and misguided. Furthermore, Islamic radicals are particularily violent, but that is owing more to their backward culture than the philosophy of their religion.

Anyone that lives by dogma and/or assumption and colored thinking, instead of pragmatic evaluation of pertinent reality and available information, is stupid.

I include you in the latter.

You insult me with your trite meanderings. I am NDP. I know how to think, and when you want lessons in cognition, I will gladly give them to you.

There are no rules, there is only evaluation of immediate situation. Of course, one must have a developed morality to understand this.

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comment #11
3. "You don't seem to be able to distinguish the difference and, to be completely blunt, just demonstrated what you don't know, as opposed to what you do."

When huge numbers of that so-elusive person, the "moderate Muslim" demonstrate AGAINST Islamofascism, against Islamic terrorism; AGAINST persecuting non-Muslims in majority Muslim countries; FOR equal human rights for women, for gays, for all peoples of whatever faith...

When all these events come to pass, I'll say, OK there is Christian extremism, like Islamic extremism. I think it a damn safe bet I'll NEVER have to do this.

What do you think about this, Dave? Do you agree my preconditions are fair and reasonable, in keeping with Western liberal democracy and humanitarian values? Or, if you disagree, please tell me why.
Dave in Pa. | 12.22.07 - 2:33 am | #

Dave in Pa, you didn't finish your #2 statement. Learn how to make a valid point, why don't you.

For instance, #3, you expect an irrelevant occurrence to 'come to pass' as you say, before you pass judgment on an unrelated situation.
That makes no sense. None whatsoever.

There are hundreds of examples of Christian motivated acts of extreme violence. It does not matter if anyone else is more violent, or less, the acts of Christian radicals speak for themselves.

See you in Ireland, or Spain. You tell all the people that died there that they don't count.

I fucking dare you, freak

I cannot fucking stand stupid fucking morons that get hysterical and self righteous over false claims of others behaviour. If you are so fucking moronic as to have to make shit up in order to screech and whine and feel superior, you are fucking beneath pathetic.

You got that? What a fucking wimp.

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