Jun 17, 2007

My, what tangled web etc

At Canadian Cynic: "About that "credibility" thing ...", more fun at FC's (no, not Fucking Christian, not FeCes, but Fundamentalist Cuckoo ) expense:

The loudest criticism came from those who complained that the (cool animatronic) dinosaurs are displayed as coexisting with humans. They were supposed to be dead for millions of years before humans existed. If that's true, then who drew all those cave drawings that look like dinosaurs? And why does nearly every culture on earth have artifacts and stories about them? They're even described in the Bible (Job 40:15-23) – beings with "ribs like bars of iron" and a "tail like a cedar" – coexisting with humans. But, of course, we can't believe that book. We'd rather get our "facts" from a racist guy named Darwin who wrote "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; Or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" – the real title of his famous book.
Behemoth, singular behemah (Hebrew) [from baham to be dumb, mute] A beast, a nonspeaking living being; used in Job 40:15-23. Scholars are of the opinion that the reference here is to the hippopotamus or the Leviathan. "Behemoth is the principle of Darkness, or Satan, in Roman Catholic Theology, and yet Job says of him that 'Behemoth is the chief (principle) of the ways of God' " (SD 2:486), and an entity spoken of, however poetically, as the chief of the ways of the divine, can hardly be a physical quadruped of earth.

LMFAO x 2! "racist guy named Darwin"

Hey, did you see the NASCAR race? I told you those southerners are racists!

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